
In this work, analytical expressions of the cross-polarisation (CP) dynamics under both static and magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions are obtained by solving the generalised Liouville-von Neumann quantum mechanical equation beyond the standard approximations, i.e., reintroducing neglected non-secular terms in the system superoperator. Although the simple model of a two-spin system interacting with a spin bath gives a rather crude description of CP dynamics, it accounts well for the orientation dependence of CP in a static sample of ferrocene powder and permits to detect slight departures from the Hartmann–Hahn matching condition. This approach also has the advantage of yielding manageable analytical expressions that can be used even by less inclined or experienced workers to obtain results that are good enough in an operational sense. Moreover, the resulting spin diffusion rate constants containing different sources of anisotropy of the system–environment interaction as well as their dependence on the MAS frequency are related semi-quantitatively to the local network of dipolar interactions. Finally, it is shown that non-secular solutions improve significantly the analysis of CPMAS-based separated-local-field spectroscopy experimental data in the absence of homonuclear decoupling.

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