
The scheme of a planar externally statically indeterminate truss with four supports is proposed. In analytical form, for several types of loads, the problem of forces in the rods and deflectionof the structure is solved, depending on the number of panels, the size and intensity of the load. The solution uses the Maple computer mathematics system. The deflectionat Midspan is determined using Maxwell – Mohr's formula, the forces in the rods – the method of cutting out nodes from the system of equilibrium equations for all nodes, which includes four reactions of the supports. By induction, a series of solutions for trusses with a consistently increasing number of panels is generalized to an arbitrary number of panels. For the elements of the sequences of coefficientare developed and are solved by homogeneous linear recurrence equations. The resulting formulas for the deflectio of the structure under various loads have the form of polynomials in the number of panels. A linear asymptotic solution for the number of panels is found. The kinematic degeneration of the structure and the distribution of node speeds corresponding to this case were found. The dependences of the reaction of supports and forces in the most compressed and stretched rods on the number of panels are determined.

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