
Quantifying the pattern of conflicts including the identification of causes and resolution is prerequisite in developing workable and participatory sustainable forest management system. This study primarily focuses on the recognition, analysis and resolution of forestry conflicts between forest villages and state forest organizations in Turkey. An academic team of foresters, business administrators, economists and behavioral scientists was formed to develop a sound and applicable questionnaire with 49 questions and 69 variables for revealing the existence, the level of intensity and the causes of the conflicts. This study was implemented in three major forest or ecological regions in Turkey: Aegean–Mediterranean region, Western Black Sea region and Eastern Black Sea region and 1065 individuals, out of 1,522,032 populations. The data was statistically analyzed using correlations, reliability measures, Mann–Whitney U Test and Kruskall–Wallis Tests. A number of different conflict types were realized in forest villagers in Turkey, where they do not happen in high intensity and necessitates appropriate conflict resolutions mechanisms. Insufficient income level, illiteracy, land tenure conflicts, absence of negotiators, various interests, illicit cutting of trees, lack of collaboration, trespassing private land without permission, polluting the environment and lack of full participatory management structure were the causes of conflicts. The state forest organizations and the other parties of conflicts are either unaware of or pretend to be unaware of the conflicts, creating a dilemma in generating an effective resolution measurements. Almost all the conflicts, that the forest villagers are involved, are significantly related to each other. In conclusion, the traditional forest management system is no longer effective, necessitating certain level of power and full participation of communities in forest management decision making process.

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