
In this work, a second-order transport coefficient (the curvature-matter coupling $\kappa$) is calculated exactly for the 3+1d O(N) model at large N for any coupling value. Since the theory is `trivial' in the sense of possessing a Landau pole, the result for $\kappa$ only is free from cut-off artifacts much below the Landau pole in the effective field theory sense. Nevertheless, this leaves a large range of coupling values where this transport coefficient can be determined non-perturbatively and analytically with little ambiguity. Along with thermodyamic results also calculated in this work, I expect exact large N results to provide good quantitative predictions for N=1 scalar field theory with $\phi^4$ interaction.


  • Transport coefficients determine the real-time relaxation of a perturbation around a state of equilibrium

  • There are nonlinear corrections which come with their own respective transport coefficients

  • There are different types of perturbations (“channels”) which predominately couple to different combinations of transport coefficients, for instance the sound channel and the shear channel

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Transport coefficients determine the real-time relaxation of a perturbation around a state of equilibrium. For the purpose of this work, I will consider the somewhat exotic transport coefficient κ, which appears as a second-order correction in the familiar sound and shear mode channels and which was introduced in Refs. Into the description of relativistic fluid as the leading-order correction when considering the coupling of matter to perturbations in the curvature of space-time (e.g., gravitational waves). Since the Ricci tensor is second order in a gradient expansion, this shows that κ is the leadingorder transport coefficient for gravity-matter perturbations. Because of relations similar in nature to the Einstein relations for diffusion, this curvature-matter coupling coefficient κ enters in the real-time evolution of sound waves in flat space-time (albeit as a correction to first-order transport governed by shear and bulk viscosity). Sensitivity to the cutoff scale can be tested for by varying the renormalization scale parameter, providing a quantitative handle on the breakdown of the theory

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