
view Abstract Citations References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Analytic Solution for Density and Velocity Distributions in Exosphere. Shen, C. S. Abstract Chiu).-Analytical expressions are derived for the density and velocity distributions in planetary exosperes based on the C)pik-Singer theory. The difference between our density distribution (r)=No{exp[(1 $) ~ ( ~))exp( r ~)}' where E is a temperature-dependent parameter and R is the radius of the base of exosphere, and the barometric formula p (r) N0 exp[(1 -R/r)EJ is small near the base of exosphere but becomes significant at large r. At r = cc the barometric formula gives a finite density where our distribution tends to zero. The particle distribution in the velocity space is not isotropic. The particles are confined in a region bounded by a hyperbola and a half circle; outside this region there is no particle, inside it the particles are distributed like a Max- well ian. The physical significance of this difference and its effect on the escape rate is discussed. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: 1963 DOI: 10.1086/109026 Bibcode: 1963AJ.....68Q..79S full text sources ADS |

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