
The objectives of this study are: 1) developing game interactive for learning photography in fashion, 2) analysis validation of the application. Development of game using the R&D method with Hannafin and Peck Adaptation, which includes several stages, namely needs analysis, design, development, and implementation. In this case, the game can be applied in fashion education student who takes related computer courses in fashion photography. The result of this research are applications about the game of learning how to photograph and the object in Fashion. Analysis validation such as validation value for the aspect of media display obtained 94% results, for the programming aspect it obtained a validation result of 90%, while for the benefit aspect it obtained a value of 90% for the usefulness of media. Based on the average of all components of the instrument question obtained a percentage of 92%. It can be concluded that the media used can help replace the role of lecturers in learning, and students can play the role of a fashion photographer.

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