
The study was to analyse the upstream agribusiness subsystem (upstream agribusiness). Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and questionnaires. Data analysis used Capacity Analysis for Ruminant Livestock Population Increase (KPPTR). The results of this study are seen from SDA, Jember Regency is a location that is not suitable for beef cattle business because of its narrow land. Land availability in the provision of feed (Effective KPPTR), has a negative value of 679,727. The human resources of Jember Regency are quite potential for the development of beef cattle business because in general, breeders have the main job as farmers (55%), although their education is still low because the average formal education is SD (38.3%). In addition, the agricultural counselling However, the role of agricultural extension agents has been effective because farmers have joined the IB program. Overall, Jember Regency has the potential as an area for fattening or ready-to-slaughter cattle business because the presence of cattle in the area is only temporary so that it does not interfere with the carrying capacity of the land in providing feed for beef cattle.

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