
Stormwater discharges from construction activities can have significant impact on water quality by contributing sediments and pollutants to waterbodies. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for most States and the Construction General Permit (CGP) for a few states in the U.S. require the development and implementation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Best Management Practices (BMPs), which should contain storm water collection and discharge points, and drainage patterns across construction projects. Generally, erosion and sedimentation from disturbed construction sites need to be controled before and after construction. This regulatory compliance frequently results in schedule delays or decreased productivity at the beginning of construction process and violations or failure to implement stormwater management on construction sites increases construction costs. Therefore, an appropriate SWPPP needs to be developed at the planning phase. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing BIM tools for SWPPP and BMPs developments.

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