
Nowadays, the development of technology is developing so fast and has touched every aspect of human life, from education, health to financial services to the community. One of the technological developments in the field of financial services is the P2P Lending application where people can borrow online. The development of the use of P2P Lending applications is so fast that it reaches one million users as of May 2018, but in the journey, there are many cases that affect users both socially, ease and performance when using the P2P Lending application. Therefore, the authors conducted a study to look at the influence of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Social Influence on Behavioural Intention on the Use of P2P Lending Mobile Applications using Regression statistical tests. The research result explains the positive influence of these three factors on Behavioural Intention using P2P Lending applications which are moderated by Age and Gender.

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