
Interactions between mothers and children have an important role in developing children's positive character and maternal happiness. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of mothers and children, the role of mother-child interactions in shaping children's positive character, and maternal happiness. This research use a qualitative method describe the reality of the events under study so that it is easier to get objective data. The sample was selected through a convenience sampling technique. Three mothers with children aged 2-6 years and are daily involved in parenting. The data collection techniques used in this study used method triangulation using (semi-structured interview, observation, and Focus Group Discussion). Three themes emerged elaborating parents' understanding of mother-child interactions: forms of interaction, ways of interaction, and the role of mother-child interactions. Three themes emerged from the research objectives further describing the involvement of the role of mother-child interactions in shaping children's positive character, namely: positive parenting, parental example and synergy, and parental strategies. From the last research objective, describing the involvement of the role of mother-child interaction in maternal happiness, three themes were obtained, namely: emotional bonding and support, religiosity, and children's achievement. Specifically, the results proved that all mothers viewed mother-child interactions as playing a significant role in shaping children's positive character and increasing maternal happiness.

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