
Aserious competition existed between the electric bike (e-bike) and the bus in medium and short trips. In order to ensure a safe, orderly, and smooth flow of city traffic, this paper researched thee-bike travelers’ intentions and boundary conditions for the transfer to public transport. The socio-economic characteristics, traveler trip characteristics, and potential trip model choices of e-bike travelers were investigated using a questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire data, the influencing factors, such as bus fares, bus travel time, management policies and care factors on the travel model choice, were analyzed to obtain the regularity of the behavior of the users. The RP model, SP model,and the RP and SP data fusion model for e-bike travel choice were established, based on Binary LogitModel. Finally, sensitivity analysis of the factors was performed. Jinan had been chosen as a case study. The results show that: (1) the parametric test veracity of the SP and RP data fusion model is satisfied; (2) people on the sensitivity of the ticket price level far outweighs the sensitivity of the degree of time, nearly 10% of the e-bike trip to the bus transfer can be achieved by reducing fares; (3) implementing management policies, reducing bus waiting time, improving the efficiency of public transport and setting free BRT transfer points can promotepeople to take bus instead of e-bike.

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