
The Sigli - Banda Aceh toll road, which has a length of 75 km, is part of the construction project of the Banda Aceh - Binjai toll road section. This toll road will become the first toll road in Aceh, so it is needed to do the research in order to plan the toll rates. The purpose of this study is to find out the value of ability to pay (ATP) and willingness to pay (WTP) of the community on toll fares. Observation surveys were carried out for two days, which is on Saturday and Sunday. The types of vehicles reviewed are group i vehicles which is light vehicles namely sedans, passenger car, and small buses, group II which is the truck with two axles, group III which is a truck with three axles, group IV which is the truck with four axles, and group V which is the truck with five axles or more. The results of the ability to pay (ATP) fares analysis for each group are as follows: group I (LV) is Rp. 60,193 which is rounded to Rp. 61,000; group IIA (MHV) is Rp. 174,089 which is rounded to Rp. 174,000; and Group IIB (LT & LB) is Rp. 120,579 which rounded to Rp. 121,000. On the other hand, the results of the willingness to pay (WTP) analysis for each group are as follows: group I (LV) is Rp. 52,305 which is rounded to Rp. 53,000; group IIA (MHV) is Rp. 124,655 which is rounded to Rp. 125,000; and group IIB (LT & LB) is Rp. 110,052 which is rounded to Rp. 110,000.

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