
The ultimate longitudinal strength of a typical bulk carrier is analyzed by using a simplified method. The moment–curvature curve, the ultimate bending moment and the location of the instantaneous neutral axis at ultimate state are calculated for both hogging and sagging conditions of the ship under vertical bending. The stress distribution over the hull cross-section at ultimate state is also obtained. The ultimate strength of the ship hull under combined vertical and horizontal bending moments is further investigated. An interaction curve is obtained according to the results of a series of calculation for the hull subjected to bending conditions with different angles of curvature. It is found that the interaction curve is asymmetrical because the hull cross-section is not symmetrical about the horizontal axis and the behavior of the structural members under compression is different from that under tension due to the non-linearity caused by buckling. The angle of the resultant bending moment vector and that of the curvature vector are different in general cases. An interaction equation suitable for bulk carriers is proposed based on the results of the analyzed ship.

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