
Taking the construction industry of Beijing as an example, we, first, accounted the energy consumption (EC) and carbon emission (CE) in 1990-2012. Then, we used the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method to analyze the drivers of the CE. It was found the EC and the CE of Beijings construction industry in 1990 was 8.1 PJ and 0.99 Mt, respectively. They grew up to 30.6 PJ and 4.52 Mt in 2012. The increasing number was 22.5 PJ and 3.53 Mt with an average annual growth rate of 6.23% and 7.15%. The sources of CE were mainly arising from electricity, diesel, gasoline and raw coal. The driver's size of GDP per capita (A) was bigger than population (P). The 1% increase of A or P would make the CE increase 1.758% or 0.105%, respectively. The classical hypothesis of Environmental Kuznet's curve did exist in the CE of Beijing's construction industry. The urbanization rate increased 1%, to some extent, would make the CE decrease 0.421%. The improvement of scientific study itself cannot make the CE decrease. Only when the gotten achievements were transformed into the concrete technology and used in real life, the CE might decrease. So, it was necessary to speed up the new-type urbanization strategies, the development pattern's upgrade and transformation of economy and to continue to carry out national relevant policies on controlling population growth.

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