
Organizational success in achieving predetermined goals is influenced by many factors. One of these factors is human resources. This study aims to describe work discipline, organizational culture, and job satisfaction at the Muhammadiyah Vocational High School in Banten Province. The research sample was the permanent teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah Banten Province, with as many as 121 teachers. Organizational culture is measured by four indicators, namely autonomy in tasks obtaining a mean value of 3.94, autonomy in the results obtaining a mean value of 3.96, human orientation obtaining a mean value of 4.22, and orientation to development obtaining a mean value of 3, 79. In general, according to teachers' perceptions that human orientation is positively perceived by respondents. Based on the analysis results that have been carried out descriptively, the respondents' perceptions of work discipline, organizational culture, and job satisfaction are as follows: individual contributions to the organization. Work discipline can be monitored from the length of time worked in working hours, the level of frequency of employee permission to work, work attendance appears on employee attendance records. The test results show that the work permit best explains the overall work discipline of the teacher. Job satisfaction is related to perceptions of the conditions of work being managed. Teacher job the job itself measures satisfaction, promotion, supervision, workgroup, and working conditions. The test results show that satisfaction with the workgroup to complete the job can explain overall job satisfaction. Teacher performance must have four types of competency outcomes, namely pedagogical, personal, social, and professional competence at work. The test results show that personality competence best explains overall performance, followed by professional, social competence, and the last is pedagogic competence.


  • Background of TheProblem behavior and habits so that they can be directed according toThe organization's success in achieving the goals that organizational expectations.have been set is influenced by many factors, one of theseIn the world of teacher education is a vital asset in the factors is human resources

  • The development of the organization's distinguished between teachers who have been certified and human role is represented in organizational behavior theory teachers who are not yet certified

  • This study aims to resources, which do not have needs and desires that must be describe work discipline, organizational culture, and job met, they do not require management and human resources. satisfaction at the Muhammadiyah Vocational High School in

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Work Discipline

Work discipline variables are measured by three reaction or cognitive attitude, affective, evaluative and states indicators: working hours, employee permits, and employee that "job satisfaction is a happy emotional state or positive absences. The following is an explanation of SMK emotion that comes from an assessment of one's job or work Muhammadiyah teachers 'perceptions of work discipline as experience. " Cognitive, affective, evaluative attitudes here are follows: In the table above presents the respondents'. One's attitudes towards work so that if the workers are not perceptions using a Likert scale for work discipline variables satisfied, the workers will feel that the place of work is not in measured by three indicators, namely working hours, favor of work, think going out and workers will look for work employee permits, and employee absences.

Each indicator is measured by several instrument
Two questionnaire items measure employee or teacher
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