
This paper investigates the allocation of household individuals to out-of-home maintenance activities using the rich activity-travel diary data from the San Francisco Bay Area. Two inter-related decisions are considered in this context: (i) whether the given activity episode is performed individually (solo) or jointly, and (ii) the person who participates in the activity, if it is a solo activity. To account for the conditional nature of the solo activity person selection, a nested mixed logit modeling framework is proposed and implemented to jointly analyze person allocation for all maintenance activities performed by a household on a given day. The model is used to investigate within-household effects and between-household differences. The proposed model relaxes some important restrictions in person allocation models by accounting for various sources of correlations and relaxing the assumption of constant variance across households. The proposed model is used to analyze the differences in person allocation between different types of households. The results indicate that life-cycle and household role, income, gender, employment status, and several types of constraints (activities including cost, time-availability, vehicle-availability, coordination constraints, and child-care obligations) affect person allocation decisions in the context of maintenance activities. The empirical results indicate the presence of various sources of correlations across persons, over activities, and within-household that are significant. In addition, the data also provides evidence that the unobserved variances in person selection utilities are not constant across households. A better understanding of these within-household interactions and between-household differences may be used in activity-based simulation models and to develop more effective and focused demand management measures.

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