
AbstractThis Paper represents the various methods of pulmonary cancer detection and comparison of various methods of cancer detection. The main objective behind this study is to select the method which can be able to detect pulmonary cancer at an early stage. There are different methods available for detection of pulmonary cancer. These methods are mainly classified as invasive and non-invasive methods. The invasive methods which are available for detection of pulmonary cancer are not able to detect pulmonary cancer at early stages. The main reason behind this is signs of pulmonary cancer typically do not occur until the disease is reasonably in advanced stage and in non-curable stage. So even after detection, there are less chances of positive results because disease is already in advance stage and the treatment for this is also very costly which is beyond the capacity of common man. The invasive methods are also very dangerous. So there is only one option left to cure pulmonary cancer and that is to detect pulmonary cancer at an early stage then only from proper treatment pulmonary cancer can be cured.

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