
In this paper, the exact closed-form signal-to-interference-noise ratio (SINR) expression, for the joint effect of carrier frequency offset (CFO) and phase noise (PHN) is derived for integrated satellite-terrestrial broadcast system (ISTBS), employing Walsh–Hadamard (WH) based spread orthogonal division multiplexing (SOFDM) transmission scheme at the satellite terminal. To examine that, three-state Fontan land mobile satellite (LMS) suburban environment is considered for S-band transmission. Additionally, bit error rate (BER) and spectral efficiency is analyzed based on the obtained SINR expression. Variable bit rates (VBRs) are assumed for SOFDM. This analysis is performed to support VBR quality of service (QoS) at the physical layer of digital video broadcast satellite handheld (DVB-SH)-A based ISTBS. The results disclose a continuous performance deterioration under both assessment measures with increasing doppler frequency shift or PHN. Moreover, simulation and analytical results illustrate a close match for various values of normalized CFO and PHN. Further, pilot-based channel estimation technique is carried out and the estimated error variance is evaluated for VBR WH-SOFDM.

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