
The article contains information about the composition of urban floras in Almaty. It was revealed, that urban flora of Almaty is represented by 396 species belonging to 204 genera and 73 families. The basis of the urban flora of the city of Almaty is angiosperms (92,0%), gymnosperms are represented in the flora in 31 species (7,8%) and 1 species represented by ferns (0,25%). The class Liliopsida (monocotyledonous) is represented by 4 families or 5,4%. Class Magnoliopsida (dicotyledonous) is represented by 67 families or 91.7%. In the gardening of Almaty city, there are 54 species (25,3%) of trees and shrubs of the local (natural) flora of Kazakhstan (9 coniferous and 45 hardwoods) from 33 genera and 19 families. In the gardening of Almaty city 159 species (74,6%) of woody and shrub introducents are used, that is, plants grown in the soil outside the range of their natural distribution. Of these, 22 are coniferous and 137 hardwoods of 61 genera and 34 families.


  • Urbanization is one of the main trends of human development

  • Despite the fact that the floras of cities are largely similar, each city has its own original urban flora, the composition of which is determined by its history, modern condition and natural conditions

  • The distribution of introducents and aborigines among tree and shrub species of Almaty showed that among tree and shrub species 54 species (25,3%) represent the natural flora of Kazakhstan (9 conifers and 45 deciduous species) from 33 genera and 19 families. 159 species (74,6%) are introducents, that is, plants grown in the soil outside the range of their natural distribution (Fig. 6)

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Urbanization is one of the main trends of human development. The increase in the population, the growth in the number of cities and territories that they occupy, have taken on a global scale. In conditions of weak natural ventilation and a large number of mobile and stationary sources, atmospheric air pollution is the most urgent environmental problem in the city of Almaty. In this regard, monitoring of green plantations in the city, including inventory and assessment of the current state of the flora, is very relevant Despite the long history of studying the flora and vegetation of the Zailiysky Alatau, no specialized works on the study of urban floras in Almaty have been conducted to date

To conduct an inventory of the species composition of urban flora in Almaty
Research Results
13-14. Apiaceae
10-11. Artemisia
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