
We perform a canonical quantization of Weyl’s conformal gravity by means of the covariant operator formalism and investigate the unitarity of the resulting quantum theory. After reducing the originally fourth-order theory to second-order in time derivatives via the introduction of an auxiliary tensor field, we identify the full Fock space of quantum states under a Becchi–Rouet–Stora–Tyutin (BRST) construction that includes Faddeev–Popov ghost fields corresponding to Weyl transformations. This second-order formulation allows the formal tools of operator-based quantum field theory to be applied to quadratic gravity for the first time. Using the Kugo–Ojima quartet mechanism, we identify the physical subspace of quantum states and find that the subspace containing the transverse spin-2 states comes equipped with an indefinite inner product metric and a one-particle Hamiltonian that possesses only a single eigenstate. We construct the Lehmann–Symanzik–Zimmermann (LSZ) reduction formula for the S-matrix in this spin-2 subspace and find that unitarity is violated in scattering events. The explicit way in which this violation occurs represents a new view on the ghost-problem in quadratic theories of quantum gravity.

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