
Transient ion beam induced current (TIBIC) system combined with microbeam and single-ion-hit system is a useful tool for analyzing single event effects (SEEs) such as single event transient (SET) current. SET current contributes to the bit error rate (BER) degradation of optical data links. BER degradation due to high-energy protons has attracted special interest recently. When high-energy protons traverse the photodiode being more prone to BER degradation than the external electronics, both inelastic and elastic reactions are responsible for producing many high-energy secondary ions with energies up to several tens of MeV. The energy-loss of these ions induces SET current on the terminal of the photodiode. Therefore the analysis of the heavy-ion induced SET current is an important issue for estimating and understanding proton induced BER degradation. In this study, we measured and analyzed TIBIC using angled C, N, O and Si microbeam with energies up to 18MeV from the Tandem accelerator at JAERI, Takasaki.

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