
More than about 1.24 million of people killed each year due to road traffic crashes worldwide. Out of these deaths, more than one fifth occur among pedestrians Promoting the level of road traffic law enforcement plays a great role in reducing traffic crashes. For assessing of traffic law enforcement, the registered data of traffic violation for the years 2015-2017 were taken from the Traffic Police Department to describe the activities of traffic police personnel in enforcing traffic laws. The violations were categorized into four groups: -those related to driving, vehicle, parking and others, and Traffic Law Enforcement into safety and other traffic law enforcement activities. The types of vehicles involved in the violations were categorized as cars, small load vehicles, motor-cycles, Bajaj and other. Traffic Police had registered a total of 77 traffic-law violation in the year 2015,65 in the year 2016, and 86 in the year 2017. Driving violation was the highest registered violation in the three years, and it was slightly higher in 2017. The categories of cars and small load vehicles were the highest registered vehicles in number of violations with in the three years. For motorized two-wheeler vehicles the highest number of registered violations in the three years were the one that related to driving. Out of all vehicle related and other violations were registered more commonly for cars in 2015 and 2016 respectively. From the registered violations, parking related violation was occurred only in 2017. The safety related traffic law enforcement was 89.96 % of the total traffic law enforcement activity.

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