
This paper focuses on Dynamic Implementation using Array and Linked list. In the data structure concept, the list plays a major role in the allocation of data where it is a general overview of creating a node in a linked list using an array with the initialization of size. The node contains data and is interconnected to the next node in the sequence via their links which perform the search operation where the space and time complexity are not wasted in these analyses. Linked lists are a great way to store a theoretically infinite amount of data with a small and versatile amount of code. The amount of data stored increases linearly with the number of nodes in the list (space-o(n)) where linked lists are more efficient than arrays. It is observed that considering the time complexity when there is a variation in data set linked array is almost reaches close to array whenever dataset is high also linked array has better time complexity than linked list when the searching element is in middle and last. Considering the space complexity linked array is almost 2 times and 4 times less space is needed than array and linked list respectively.

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