
ad hoc Network consist of mobile nodes which do require neither a base station nor any fixed infrastructure. Nodes which are far apart from each other communicate hop by hop. An efficient routing protocol is required between the nodes to communicate. MANETs are not immune to attacks. In this paper we have implemented wormhole attack which is a type of active attack which disturbs the normal functioning of network and IALERT routing protocol. We have compared two parameters that are throughput and energy consumption of both our tcl files named wormhole and isolate. In wormhole file we have applied the attack and in the isolate file we have countered that attack. Results and simulations show that the throughput of isolate file is better than wormhole file and energy consumption of isolate file is less than wormhole file. digital certificates in ad hoc networks. But internal attackers are very difficult to find even its presence in the group due to its valid membership in the multicast group. Internal attackers are authenticated nodes do malicious activities in order to disturb the network and routing functionalities easily since they are all authorized members to access the network services. These attacks are more severe than attacks launched by external adversaries because internal adversaries can succeed the cryptosystem of the network. The intentions of internal attack are varies into; handler for an external intruder to launch its attack, selfishness and simply disturb the network without any intention. The node that executes internal attacks called compromised nodes or malicious node. The activities of internal attacks are; packet dropping, selective packet forwarding, forwarding packets to incorrect node, message fabrication, refused to cooperate as defined by routing protocol, sending false reply and Denial of Service (10). In this paper IALERT routing protocol has been implemented which dynamically partitions the network field horizontally and vertically and chooses a node for communication with all the other nodes. All the remaining nodes form cluster and the chosen node communicates with the clusters of nodes one by one. 49 nodes and wormhole attack has been implemented. Two tcl files name wormhole and isolate are made. In the first tcl file wormhole attack has been implemented on 7 th node at 110 seconds. So due to wormhole attack after 110 seconds node 7 will start to drop the packets. In second tcl file wormhole attack has been countered. So after 110 seconds node 7 will still communicate.

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