
Abstract. In the context of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the work of medical institutions, especially the activities of primary health care, remains very relevant. The article presents an analysis of the work of the level 3 polyclinic in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of anti-epidemic and preventive measures in comparison with previous years. The clinical and advisory department is a multidisciplinary polyclinic, which is a structural subdivision of the State Agrarian University of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Republican Hospital No. 1-National Center of Medicine". The analysis of statistical data for 2020 for 20 medical specialties was carried out, there were 51667 visits in total, including 26265 primary visits. The statistical analysis was carried out using the STATISTICA 13 program.3. In order to prevent the spread of infection, all patients passed a test for RNA (SARS-Cov-2, PCR) and the presence of Covid– 19 antibodies before planned hospitalization to exclude the active phase of the disease. During the pandemic, all necessary measures were taken to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection, including vaccination from COVID-19 employees to continue the continuous provision of planned medical care to the population of the republic. In addition to providing planned consultative and diagnostic assistance, the polyclinic provides: dynamic monitoring of patients with blood diseases, dispensary monitoring of patients after kidney and liver transplantation. To achieve the most accurate diagnosis and make the most effective decisions on therapeutic tactics, multidisciplinary techniques were conducted with the participation of doctors of many specialties under the supervision of one patient. During the pandemic, remote work using telemedicine has increased by 2 times. There is an increase in newly diagnosed malignant neoplasms: the first place is occupied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cancer of the stomach, esophagus, liver, rectum), the second by blood diseases (lymphoproliferative diseases-leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma) and the third by respiratory diseases (lung cancer). The intradepartmental control of outpatient care and day hospital showed a high level of quality of the polyclinic's activities.

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