
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Cloud Mask (VCM) Intermediate Product (IP) has been developed for use with Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) VIIRS Environmental Data Record (EDR) products. In particular, the VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature (SST) EDR relies on VCM to identify cloud contaminated observations. Unfortunately, VCM does not appear to perform as well as cloud detection algorithms for SST. This may be due to similar but different goals of the two algorithms. VCM is concerned with detecting clouds while SST is interested in identifying clear observations. The result is that in undetermined cases VCM defaults to “clear,” while the SST cloud detection defaults to “cloud.” This problem is further compounded because classic SST cloud detection often flags as “cloud” all types of corrupted data, thus making a comparison with VCM difficult. The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), which operationally produces a VIIRS SST product, relies on cloud detection from the NAVOCEANO Cloud Mask (NCM), adapted from cloud detection schemes designed for SST processing. To analyze VCM, the NAVOCEANO SST process was modified to attach the VCM flags to all SST retrievals. Global statistics are computed for both day and night data. The cases where NCM and/or VCM tag data as cloud-contaminated or clear can then be investigated. By analyzing the VCM individual test flags in conjunction with the status of NCM, areas where VCM can complement NCM are identified.

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