
Context. We used the new ExoMol TiO rovibronic line lists to identify and model TiO isotopologue features in spectra of M dwarfs. Aims. We investigate problems involving the computation of electronic bands for different isotopologues of TiO by modelling optical spectra of late-type stars. Based on this, we determine their Ti isotopic abundances and compare the TiO isotopologue spectra computed using line lists by different authors. Methods. We fitted theoretical synthetic spectra to the observed stellar molecular bands of TiO. We modelled spectra of two M dwarfs, GJ 15A (M1V) and GJ 15B (M3 V), to determine Ti isotopic ratios in their atmospheres. Results. We demonstrate the accuracy of the ExoMol TOTO line list for different isotopologues of TiO and the possibility of determining accurate Ti isotope abundances in a number of spectral ranges. The 7580–7594 Å spectral range seems particularly useful, with two atomic lines of Fe I and molecular band heads of 50Ti O, 49Ti O, 48Ti O, and 47Ti O clearly observable in our two M-dwarf spectra. We determine non-solar Ti isotopic ratios of 46Ti, 47Ti, 48Ti, 49Ti, and 50Ti of 7.9, 5.2, 72.8, 7.9, and 6.2 for GJ 15A and 7.4, 4.2, 76.6, 5.8, and 6.0 for GJ 15B with an accuracy of ±0.2. [Ti] = 0.040 and 0.199 and within an accuracy of ±0.10 were also determined for GJ 15A and GJ 15B, respectively. Conclusions. We find that the ExoMol TOTO TiO line list (a) describes the fine details in line position and intensity of the M-dwarf spectra better than other available TiO line lists, (b) correctly reproduces the positions and intensities of the TiO isotopologue band heads observed in M-dwarf spectra, and (c) can be used to determine Ti isotope abundances in atmospheres of M stars.

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