
The various types of with different genders, shapes, themes in each period are a reflection of the cultural functions of that period in addition to the economic function, have emerged emerged a set of ideologies of the ruling system. Patterns themes engraved on have been a constant trend throughout history, but on the other hand in each period has its changes these changes have been influenced by the political religious attitudes of rulers artists who design These have played a role. The of the Safavid period are no exception to this rule these works have been an important platform media for the presence expression of ideas beliefs of the time the Safavids have used this tool well. Shiite religion, which played a key role in the formation perpetuation of the Safavid rule, also played an important stable role in the formation of culture art of this era, this area was not unaffected by the change in ideology social developments of the time. By changing the political, military, economic, religious structure in Iran, the Safavids achieved significant development progress for cultural advancement. The concentration integration of the Safavid state organization caused all the arts to flourish many productions to be made in all fields of art, thus the arts in this era grew significantly in quantity. The works formed during this period, backed by valuable experiences about the Timurids, had a unique strength integrity masterful skill that is less seen in the post-Safavid period. Shiite philosophy thought have a special manifestation in the works of this period so that with the recognition of the Safavid Shiite dynasty in Iran, artists have made Shiite themes more more the basis of their works from Shiite calligraphy religious ideology in applied arts to They used it as a decorative element a tool to propagate strengthen Shiite values. Due to the existence of two characteristic features of Shiite religion national identity, the art of this period had become a tool for expression message was used in the service of Various disciplines of art in this period were associated with Shiite thought, symbolic language expressed the ideas of this religion. Iranian Shiite artists reflected the spirit of Shiite thought, i.e. devotion to the family of the Prophet the Imams, especially the person of Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) in various ways in their works of art. This article aims to explore the hidden less studied characteristics of copper or flosses of this period. Accordingly, while introducing the silver motifs on these flosses, he analyzes the motives for using the role of sun as a relatively recurring theme in these works. This research with a descriptive-analytical method historical approach, to study the content of the theme Lion Sun engraved on the common flosses of the late Safavid period, based on prefixes such as: Content of common astronomical knowledge, Presentation Shiite index themes in the content of narrations hadiths and descriptions of Shiite index themes in literary sources , written themes of contemporary and contexts of these . Data collection was done by library method their analysis was qualitative. 41 floss minted in the Safavid period decorated with the role of lion sun, form the samples studied in this study. The results of this study show that the designs stamped on Safavid copper include human (human body on horseback), cattle (horse, lion, elephant, deer, whole, monkey, camel, etc.), birds (with Emphasis on the role of peacocks), aquatic (with emphasis on the role of fish), plants (cypress Islamic), celestial (sun constellations) hybrid (peacock snake, lion sun, cow fish or whale, Etc.) was; Meanwhile, the role of sun was one of the most frequent motifs on these copper coins. In the process of semantic analysis of this role, various contexts such as Content of common astronomical knowledge, Literary sources, Content of narrations hadiths, Written themes of contemporary coins, Examples of paintings The functional contexts of these coins were studied, finally, the religious Shiite content for this role this context was more probable than the other assumed contents (astronomical, ancient); According to the study study of the above-mentioned texts, the content of this role is related to one of the most important principles of Shiite belief, namely the succession guardianship of Imam Ali (AS) after the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has a high status. Represents Imam Ali (AS) in Shiite thought.

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