
The article is devoted to the issue of social protection of families in difficult life circumstances. The state of provision of social services to families in difficult life in Ukraine in connection with the implementation of the new Law of Ukraine «On Social Services» of January 17, 2019 № 2671-VIII [10] is analyzed. The legislation of Ukraine on social protection and provision of social services has been studied. The new Law of Ukraine «On Social Services» [10] is compared with the previous Law of Ukraine «On Social Services» of 19.06.2003 № 966-IV [11] and the specific changes that have taken place are noted. The all-Ukrainian state of providing social services to families in difficult life circumstances is considered. It was found that the legal side of the provision of social services is available and it is quite clear, but, unfortunately, the practical side of the implementation of legislative documents is at the stage of testing and implementation. The register of social service providers, created in pursuance of Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine «On Social Services» [10] and posted on the official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Classifier of Social Services has been studied, which contains a systematic summary of the names of social services, their short description, term of provision, as well as a list of categories of recipients of these services [3]. Differences are noted when comparing the register of social service providers with the Classifier of Social Services. It is determined that more than 90% of social service providers in Ukraine are state and municipal institutions and organizations. The state of informatization on the Internet of social service providers in Ukraine is demonstrated. Social services that are aimed at helping individuals/families who find themselves in difficult life circumstances are listed. The quantity of social service providers in Ukraine that provide them to individuals/families who find themselves in difficult life circumstances is analyzed. The need to provide quality social services to families in need is substantiated. It is argued that the issue of implementing the system of providing social services by public organizations at the state level in Ukraine is relevant.

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