
The lantibiotic epidermin is produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis Tü3298. The known genes involved in epidermin biosynthesis and regulation are organized as operons (epiABCD and epiQP) that are encoded on the 54-kb plasmid pTü32. Here we describe the characterization of a DNA region that mediates immunity and increased epidermin production, located upstream of the structural gene epiA. The sequence of a 2.6-kb DNA fragment revealed three open reading frames, epiF, -E, and -G, which may form an operon. In the cloning host Staphylococcus carnosus, the three genes mediated an increased tolerance to epidermin, and the highest level of immunity (sevenfold) was achieved with S. carnosus carrying epiFEG and epiQ. The promoter of the first gene, epiF, responded to the activator protein EpiQ and contained a palindromic sequence similar to the EpiQ binding site of the epiA promoter, which is also activated by EpiQ. Inactivation of epiF, -E, or -G resulted in the complete loss of the immunity phenotype. An epidermin-sensitive S. epidermidis Tü3298 mutant was complemented by a DNA fragment containing all three genes. When the epiFEG genes were cloned together with plasmid pTepi14, containing the biosynthetic genes epiABCDQP, the level of epidermin production was approximately fivefold higher. The proteins EpiF, -E, and -G are similar in deduced sequence and proposed structure to the components of various ABC transporter systems. EpiF is a hydrophilic protein with conserved ATP-binding sites, while EpiE and -G have six alternating hydrophobic regions and very likely constitute the integral membrane domains. When EpiF was overproduced in S. carnosus, it was at least partially associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. A potential mechanism for how EpiFEG mediates immunity is discussed.

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