
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. This program has been a government policy since 2013. PKB is to foster professional teachers on the basis of teacher performance profiles supported by the results of self-evaluation. The purpose of this research is to develop, validate and implement a 21st century skills-based continuing professional development model for certified junior high school teachers in Lebak Regency. The first stage was carried out in 2023 by conducting data mapping using the exploratory method with the aim of knowing the level of depth regarding professional development for post-certification teachers. After obtaining the data from the mapping, the model development draft was prepared. The conclusion of this analysis is that 21st century continuing professional development is an urgent need in education. 21st century skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and technological capabilities, are at the core of preparing individuals to face the changing demands of the times. However, there are a number of challenges faced by junior high school teachers in Lebak district in their efforts to develop their profession in a sustainable manner. These challenges include financial limitations, geographical and distance issues, limited time available, lack of skilled human resources, and policy issues and views that are less supportive towards the development of 21st century skills. Therefore, there is a need for strong support from local governments and educational institutions to overcome these challenges and ensure that teachers have equal access and necessary support in continuing professional development.

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