
The initial aim of this paper is to present an analysis of the survey conducted among visitors to the central permanent exhibition of the National Museum Valjevo. The analysis relates to the visitors' origin, reasons for coming to Valjevo and the Museum, their prior knowledge of the Museum, their experience and satisfaction. The survey was conducted in the period from 27 July to 26 August 2016, during which the Museum was visited by 417 people, 96 of which were from Valjevo, 6 from its surroundings (Kolubara County), 204 from other cities in Serbia and 111 from abroad. The analyses were supported by a kind of historical review based on archival documents from the records of visits to older exhibitions, so that the paper also presented a comparative cross­section of the total year­round visits in 1961 and 2016, with emphasis on the visits in August. The comparative results show that the total number of visits in 2016 was significantly higher than in 1961 (23,495 to 13,020) but lower when looking at the percentage of visitors compared to the number of city residents (39.8% to 45.7%). The increase of overall visits in 2016 was created by school trips, since at present, during the four months of the school trips, 19,690 visitors to the Valjevo Museum were registered in 2016 comprising for 83.8% of total annual visits, while in 1961 there were 7,401 (56.8%). The data obtained in comparative analyses suggest that today local population visit their Museum in much smaller numbers and percentages than they did a little over half a century ago, so that an absolute majority of visits are made by visitors from other places, especially those who came organized in groups, to whom a visit to the Museum was one of the points of their pre­planned itinerary, as well as individual visitors who in most cases have already had some previous knowledge of the Museum and intended to visit it during their visit to Valjevo. In order to increase the interest of the local population in their Museum, it is of the utmost importance to have varied, short­lasting programmes, primarily thematic exhibitions but also other types of programme activities: workshops, lectures, presentations, chamber theatre, music and film festivals and the like, while, when it comes to permanent exhibitions, various occasional animation programmes are crucial, as they breathe new life into the unchanging content. While such activities include the Long Night of Museums, it is also necessary to consider the need to organise similar events not only in May, when the Museum witnesses the largest attendance as a result of the school season excursions, but also in the months when the interest in the Museum offer fades.

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