
BACKGROUND: Surface tillage is very important in agriculture, because it helps to increase the quantity and quality of the yield. One of the types of surface tillage is packing. It is carried out in order to improve the contact of seeds with the soil, as well as to create optimal soil porosity, in which the pores contain the necessary amount of water and air for good plant development. AIMS: Improvement the quality of surface tillage based on the development of a highly efficient spring-wave roller, which ensures meeting the agricultural requirements, reducing operating costs and increasing crop yields. METHODS: The new design of the spring-wave roller capable of packing the soil in compliance with the agrotechnical requirements has been proposed. RESULTS: As a result of the conducted field studies of the spring-wave roller, a regression equation describing the influence of all independent factors of the packing process on the optimization criterion KPI was obtained. The adequacy of the mathematical model was evaluated according to the Fisher criterion, the calculated value of which was 1.001 with a tabular value of Ft = 2.46, which indicates its adequacy. The analysis of the deviations of the experimental results from the results obtained by calculating the resulting equation showed that at all points of the experimental plan, the data obtained fit into the confidence interval, which indicates the high quality of the experiments. CONCLUSIONS: The maximum value of the coefficient of approximation to the KPI standard when using the spring-wave roller is 0.81 at the motion velocity v = 11 km/ h, the total force generated by compression springs C = 1750 N and the weight of the ballast m = 70 kg. The maximum KPI value achieved during operation of the commercially produced KKZ-6 roller is 0.57, which is 42.1% better than the proposed spring-wave roller has.

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