
The accumulation of organic waste is a significant environmental problem in Russia. Organic waste is a valuable source of raw materials, which can be used to produce biogas and biofertilizers. The production of biogas is possible from sewage sludge, formed at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities, livestock waste in agricultural enterprises and organic food fraction of municipal solid waste. According to our estimates, the total amount of organic waste in Russia suitable for the formation of biogas and biofertilizers is about 167.8 million tons per year. The main part of this waste is made up of livestock waste (90%), 6% is a fermentable fraction of the municipal solid waste and 4% originate from the sewage sludge. The Central and Volga federal districts possess the greatest potential for organic waste (54 and 43 million tons respectively). At present, the actual use of organic wastes potentially capable of serving as raw materials for the production of biogas is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the available potential of the organic waste.

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