
This article is devoted to the analysis of the regulatory framework in the context of determining the criteria for the effectiveness of structural and technological solutions for the installation of structural slabs. The study is aimed at identifying the regulatory requirements and standards that regulate the process of installation of the covering, in particular structural plates. The authors highlight current issues related to the effectiveness of constructions and installation technologies, as well as conduct a systematic review of the literature and analyze existing norms and standards. Particular attention is paid to defining the key criteria that determine the efficiency and reliability of the installation of structural plates. The results of the study can be useful for specialists in the field of construction design, architectural design and the construction industry. The analysis of the regulatory framework allows modern practitioners and researchers to better understand the requirements for structures and contributes to the further development of standards in the field of installation of structural slabs. Against the background of the rapid development of the construction industry and constant technological evolution in the field of building structures, special attention is devoted to the analysis of the regulatory framework for determining the criteria for the effectiveness of structural and technological solutions, in particular, when installing structural slabs. The article begins with substantiating the relevance of the topic, based on the need to optimize and improve construction processes. The authors identify problems and challenges that often arise in connection with the installation of structural plates, and argue the need for a thorough analysis of regulatory documents. In the future, a systematic review of the literature and existing national and international standards regulating the installation process of structural plates is carried out. Special attention is paid to identifying inconsistencies or gaps in existing regulatory documents and the need for their clarification. The key aspect of the extended analysis is the determination of efficiency and reliability criteria for the installation of structural plates. The authors consider technical and operational aspects, taking into account the impact of the environment and the requirements for the durability of structures. The main results of the research can be useful for practicing engineers, architects and specialists in the construction industry. The conclusions and recommendations of the article can serve as a basis for further scientific research in the field of improvement of regulatory requirements and standards for improving the quality and safety of the installation of structural slabs.

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