
The article presents the results of scientific investigation of the quality of waters of the Southern Bug. The control of the quality of waters of the Southern Bug on the territory of Vinnitsa isheld byaccredited laboratories of different organizations.The resultsof laboratory tests of the quality of the waters of the Southern Bug during the past year, as in previous years, showed the imbalance of the quality of waters in microbiological parameters. In particular, the data of the control for the month of July 2016 in monitoring points of the Southern Bug are: index of lactopositivecolibacilli is 35000 in dm. cube,colibacilli - 3600 in dm. cube, enterococcus less than 300 dm. cube,coliphage, salmonella and shigellaare absent. To address this issue, we can offer two ways to improve the water supply of quality water to the residents of Vinnytsia. The first is the construction of a gallery horizontal water intake in the Southern Bug River. Water intakes should be equipped with galleries in the cracks of crystalline rocks and fill them with filter material, which will ensure the inflow of clean water from the main aquifer of crystalline rocks and further feed the riverbed during peak water intake and reduce water pollution. Residential buildings with two water mains, where one pipe will supply technical water (which will be of low quality), and the other will supply water extracted from underground sources, which will be of high quality. Underground freshwater deposits in Vinnytsia region are Vinnytsia, Desniansky, Stryzhavsky and Voronovytsky). Ways to improve water quality, such as additional water treatment and water supply by the city's two water mains, can be cost-effective. This will reduce the cost of technical water and reduce the use of quality drinking water by the population for technical needs. In general, it will benefit both the state and the population.

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