
Relevance. Recently, the Russian economy has been experiencing a number of serious problems due to the sanctioning influence of Western countries and the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. Together, these factors complicate the dynamic development of the country's economic complex in almost all directions, hindering the creation and generation of knowledge-intensive solutions. In this regard, research that helps to identify the trends and nature of reproductive processes in the regions, as well as the regularities of formation of optimal growth parameters when passing through the post-crisis phase of the socio-economic system, is of particular relevance.The purpose is a quantitative analysis of the quality of scientific and innovative transformations in the territories of the Russian Federation in the pre- and post-crisis periods of functioning of the economy.Objectives: to identify trends in the development of innovation potential of the regions in the context of two time phases (before and after 2014) according to two indicators: the average per capita turnover of innovative products and specific costs of research work. At the same time, it is proposed to link the studied results to the euro exchange rate.Methodology. The article considers the theoretical framework that reveals the peculiarities of the emergence and passage of crises by territories. The work is based on quantitative research methods (econometric and correlation and regression analysis). The data are systematized and synthesized thanks to freely available official statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service. Results. The maximum value of dynamics on the average per capita turnover of innovation products in the pre-crisis period was achieved in Moscow. In the post-crisis phase, the harshest drop in this indicator was also recorded for the Moscow region. In terms of specific R&D expenditures, none of the territories under consideration is characterized by positive transformations in 2014-20120 in relation to 2000-2013.Conclusions. The calculations confirm the existence of a protracted crisis in the reproductive sphere of the analyzed territories. In addition, a strong correlation between the states of the research and innovation sectors is quantitatively substantiated. In this regard, in order to move the country to a fundamentally different level of technological development there is a need to strengthen the support of the scientific base, as well as continuous monitoring of the achieved results.

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