
The pitch curves in a language may represent not only distinct intonational patterns but also serve to differentiate one type of sentence from another (e.g., interrogative x affirmative). Different melodic curves may also contain linguistic information which can affect comprehension. One comparison between Spanish and Portuguese can exemplify how differences in the melodic curves of interrogative sentences might cause miscomprehension. According to Sosa (1999) melodic curves of yes/no questions in Spanish tend to end with a high melodic pattern (H) or with a high and low movement, depending on the dialect. On the other hand, Brazilian Portuguese yes/no questions are said to end with a circumflex pattern, generally represented by a (HL) tone, especially when the last word of the sentence presents the stress in the penultimate syllable (Moraes and Collamarco, 2007). Taking these facts into consideration, this work aims at analyzing the pitch curves of interrogative sentences (yes/no questions) of Colombian Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, which were ended by words with stress relying on the last, the penultimate or the antepenultimate syllables. In order to conduct the research, data was collected with two Brazilian learners of Spanish, one native speaker of Colombian Spanish and one native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese. The native speakers served as control group. The learners of Spanish were asked to read 15 sentences in Spanish, and the control group was asked to read the same set of questions in their respective native language. These questions were contextualized as to be inserted in a situational context of a job interview (role play). All sentences were presented to the participants in a computer screen, in a randomized order. In total, the database was composed by 35 sentences in Spanish and 14 sentences in Brazilian Portuguese. The collected data was then analyzed in the software Praat through the algorithm Momel. This algorithm is able to draw the melodic contours of each sentence at a time. The algorithm Intsint was also used through Praat in order to extract the melodic tones corresponding to each curve. The intonational patterns (in nuclear and prenuclear regions) and the highest point of F0 in each sentence were analyzed. Results related to the sentences ended in words with stress in the last syllable showed that all subjects produced, predominantly, high ending patterns (H) in this type of sentences. Differences among subjects rely on the highest F0 point, which appeared with higher frequency in the nuclear region for the native speaker of Colombian Spanish and for the learners. For the prenuclear region, the results showed that the high and low movements were more prominent in the sentences produced by the learners than in the sentences produced by native speaker of Colombian Spanish. Regarding the sentences ended by words with stress in the penultimate and the antepenultimate syllables, results presented differences between the intonational patterns of Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish. The native speaker of Colombian Spanish presented a high ending tone (H) for all the sentences. The native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese and the Brazilian learners of Spanish varied their production either using a high tone (H) or a circumflex tone (HL). The highest point of F0 appeared with higher frequency in the nuclear region for the productions of the native speaker of Colombian Spanish when compared to production of the Brazilian learners of Spanish and the native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese. These results may be due either to the influence of the intonational pattern of the learner’s L1 or to the influence of other varieties of Spanish which the learners have had contact with.


  • O padrão encontrado para as oxítonasOs dados referentes às interrogativas totais terminadas em oxítonas apresentaram, em geral, padrões ascendentes para todas as informantes

  • The pitch curves in a language may represent distinct intonational patterns and serve to differentiate one type of sentence from another

  • Análisis melódico de declarativas e interrogativas absolutas en español/língua estrangeira (LE)

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O padrão encontrado para as oxítonas

Os dados referentes às interrogativas totais terminadas em oxítonas apresentaram, em geral, padrões ascendentes para todas as informantes. Tanto os dados referentes à falante NE, quanto às aprendizes, apresentaram 100% dos dados com padrão ascendente, na região nuclear. A falante NP produziu 75% dos dados com padrão ascendente. O Quadro 5 resume os padrões tonais atribuídos pelo algoritmo Intsint, com relação às regiões do prénúcleo e núcleo, das sentenças terminadas em palavras oxítonas, referentes a todas as informantes

H L comunicar
B H H trabajo
H B H B médicos
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