
The Batang Integrated Industrial Area (KITB) is located in Banyuputih District, Batang Regency, Central Java, with a total area of 4,300 Ha and currently what has been developed is cluster 1 covering an area of 3100 Ha. Water has a central role in human and industrial activities, with potential impacts on health, worker safety, and the environment. The main problem is the uncertainty of raw water supply which poses a risk to Environment Health Safety (EHS). Therefore, this research aims to identify and analyze water sources, by EHS objectives, because safe water supply is key to environmental and worker safety. The water balance method is used to analyze water needs and availability. Analyze water needs in industrial areas by taking into account data for each type of industry. Water availability analysis includes the identification of raw water sources, including groundwater and surface water, taking into account that excessive exploitation of groundwater can hurt EHS. In contrast, surface water and rainwater collection are sustainable alternatives that are relevant to environmental and safety concerns. The research involved calculations using rainfall data from the Subah Rain Station and climatology data from the Central Java Climatology Station during the 2021-2022 period, as well as discharge analysis using the Mock Method. The research results display the potential of the river basin and show that rainwater collection can effectively overcome EHS challenges related to water availability in the Batang Integrated Industrial Area.

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