
Nowadays, the use of the latest IT technologies for educational purposes at milk processing enterprises is at a low level. That is why, to study the motives that have a significant impact on the intention to use technology in the process of training specialists of various directions and levels, a study was conducted based on one of the milk processing enterprises of the western region. The methodology of the analysis was based on the concept of TAM, 32 specialists of various services of the milk processing enterprise in the western region of Ukraine, who are engaged in personnel training in addition to the job, took part in the survey. To obtain primary data, a questionnaire was developed based on literature data of similar studies. The analysis includes testing for the adequacy of the data and the research model – the relationship between the six research elements. The obtained data indicate a relatively low level of confidence in the effectiveness of using computer technologies during corporate training, and the indicator of internal motivation or personal intentions (PI) is the lowest of all values - 3.44. Thus, it can be assumed that such data are related to certain internal beliefs of each member of the group of interviewed employees of the enterprise. To test this assumption, multiple-cause modeling (MIMIC) was used to assess whether there are correlations in respondents' intrinsic motivation with their age and level of education. The calculated coefficients will make it possible to assess the presence of a direct influence of these two variables on the level of employees’ motivation, and their value can be interpreted as the possible presence of an additional factor i.e. the presence of a degree or its absence, as well as the difference in the age of the respondents. The obtained results of the statistical analysis established a correlation between motivation and higher education among employees, indicating that the presence of a specialist or master's degree increases the probability of using computer technologies in the learning process. This is probably related to the use of electronic learning technologies in the programs of their training at the university. Thus, it is obvious that in order to increase the use of IT technologies in the process of corporate training, it is necessary to form among the company's employees computer literacy skills necessary for life in modern society and to develop the ability to use the latest technologies for searching, analyzing, using and transmitting information.

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