
Water are used for several important purposes but the most essential use considered on the basis of social and economic significance as it relates to the health of the population is human consumption and sanitation. Man needs constant and accessible supply of water to provide necessary prerequisite for important physiological and biochemical processes. On account of the general contention that water is more basic than all other critical stuff to life and in its pure state is commended key to health. This study aimed at to examine the physical characteristics of the water supply sources in Choba as a crucial factor for development and upon which the quality of life depends. Thus, water samples were collected from borehole and well water sources being the only available major sources of water supply in Rumuokocha, Rumuchakara, Igbogo, Owhipa, Ndudor and Rumualoghu communities that make Choba and the parameters investigated include pH, Temperature, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Salinity. The results of the analyses for temperature was t= 0.751 and t= 0.547 both at p<0.05 for borehole and well water sources implying no significant difference from the allowable limit by WHO whereas for DO, pH, salinity, TDS and conductivity, t= -51.966; -24.027; -24.796, -19.546 ;2.321and t= -51.966; -24.027; -16.966, -20.024; 2.272 for borehole and well water sources respectively indicating a statistically significant difference between the parameters investigated and the allowable limits. Similarly, the ANOVA result shows F= 400.384; 23.262; 19.997; 8502.215at p<0.05 for parameters like temperature, salinity, TDS and conductivity of the available water sources do not vary significantly in the area. Therefore, constant monitoring and assessment of physical water quality parameters, water treatment and assessment of bacteriological content and other relevant water parameters to holistically ascertain it suitability for adequate human use were recommended.

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