
Successful and effective management of sporting training is impossible without a well-grounded prediction which creates necessary conditions for making intelligent management decisions in sporting activities of athletes. The analysis of competitive results of athletes allows to determine main tendencies in the development of the sporting career. Summing up the results of scientific papers and researches in the sphere of athletes training, it is possible to form several approaches to discovery of sporting talents. One of the most common approaches to talent discovery is the analysis of the sporting career. The objective – to discover interrelations of the competitive activity results of combatant athletes at different stages of their training. Methods. The method of the analysis of research and methodological literature and Internet sources has been used. The papers, in which researches connected to athletes performance in the following Olympic sports: free-style wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling and judo, have been analysed. Results. During the analysis of sporting careers, the following parameters of combatant athletes have been considered: achieving maximum comptetitive result in each age period (cadet, junior U23 and adult age), age category, country, etc. Two the most currently important directions of analysis of sporting careers: retrospective and perspective have been characterized. The papers, which are dedicated to the analysis of athletes performances throughout their sporting career, have been systemized. The fact that over 60 % of combatant athletes, who have achieved international prizes as adults, have won medals at the international stage as juniors has been demonstrated. The perspective analysis has shown that approximately 30 % of athletes, who have had achievements at junior or cadet competitions, demonstrate top results in the adult sporting career. The optimal age for qualifying is as follows: pre-qualification at cadet age (specialized basic training stage) – from 13 to 16 years; more profound qualification at junior and adult age – beginning with 17–18 years. Conclusions. The selection has to be hold at such periods of the sporting career: pre-qualification at cadet age (specialized basic training stage) – from 13 to 16 years; more profound qualification in junior and adult age – beginning with 17–18 years.

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