
Window performance in buildings is very important for energy saving. Many efforts have been made towards saving energy in buildings, and research has focused attention on enhancing the thermal performance of windows. Vacuum glazing has attracted much interest as a means of enhancing the thermal performance of windows by strengthening insulation performance. However, the performance of vacuum glazing differs based on various component combinations, therefore, further study on vacuum glazing is needed. In this paper, through simulations, the authors confirmed the heat transfer value (U-value) of the vacuum glazing composed of various combinations (glass type, number of layers, interval of pillar, etc.). A physical test of vacuum glazing was also performed using standard test methods of windows and the U-value of the vacuum glazing by various intervals of the pillar position was confirmed. The simulation revealed a U-value for vacuum glazing of 0.682–1.466 W/m2·K as per the interval of the pillar position, the performance of solar heat gain, and visible light transmission. The U-value of the double vacuum glazing was calculated as 0.607–1.154 W/m2·K and was similar regardless of the interval of pillar position, the performance of solar heat gain, and visible light transmission. Based on the results of the energy simulation, in the case of a used low U-value of vacuum glazing, the heating and cooling energy consumption in buildings decreased by 2.46%, than when low-e glass and argon gas filled layers were used in windows. Furthermore, in double vacuum glazing, the heating and cooling energy consumption in buildings decreased by 3.91%.


  • The thermal performance of a building envelope has been greatly improved through research

  • This paper reported the simulation and physical test results to confirm the effects of vacuum glazing with different components

  • The quantitative results were confirmed by simulation and a physical test

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The thermal performance of a building envelope has been greatly improved through research. [[55]] ppeerrffoorrmmeedd ssiimmiillaarr rreesseeaarrcchh ttoo FFaanngg wwhheerree tthheeyy ccoonndduucctteedd eexxppeerriimmeennttss ooff vvaaccuuuumm ggllaazziinngg ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn bbyy iittss mmaannuuffaaccttuurree iinn aa llaabboorraattoorryy. To compare the performance of double glazing and vacuum glazing, the authors modeled double glazing using low emissivity glass and filled the gap between the two float glass panes with argon gas. To compare the performance of double glazing and vacuum glazing, the authors modeled double glazing using low emissivity glass and filled the gap between the two float glass panes with.

Change1i2n Performance through Different Components of Vacuum Glazing
Analysis on the U-Value of Vacuum Glazing
Variation of Surface Temperature by Changing the Vacuum Glazing Components
Energy Consumption Variation by the Difference in Vacuum Glazing Performance
Building Modeling and Simulation Set-Up
Analysi1s2of Energy Consumption
Difference in U-Value between Simulation and Physical Test
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