
Diseases of the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips are an important problem in dentistry. There are difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of secondary stomatitis, as they are symptoms of common diseases and syndromes, have similar signs, lesion elements, and course dynamics.
 In order to improve the effectiveness of early diagnosis and treatment of oral mucosa and red lip pathology, prevention of major dental diseases, the Department of Postgraduate Education of Dentists has been operating the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Oral Mucosa Diseases since 2011, where intraand interdisciplinary consultative approaches have been created, controlled therapy and medical examination are carried out.
 The article analyzes the counseling work of the center and identifies the prospects for its activities.
 Analyzing the work done over 10 years, patients are divided according to the classification of SOPR diseases into groups of primary (independent) and secondary (symptomatic) stomatitis. During the period of the center's activity, 5412 patients were admitted, including 3648 (67.41%) with pathology of the OSJD and red lip border. The analysis showed that the number of coincident diagnoses in patients referred for consultation was 40.1%, discrepancies 33%, without a diagnosis was 20.6% and without a referral 6.3%.
 The center's work was implemented in various forms. On-site educational seminars for dentists were held in the districts of the region to improve the level of knowledge on oncological dentistry, especially dangerous infections at outpatient dental visits.
 Thus, the analysis of the results of the work of the regional scientific and practical center for diseases of the oral mucosa, based on an intraand interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment, allowed us to formulate recommendations for improving the training of doctors and their activities, developing clinical thinking and outlining prospects.

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