
Dl Introduction 1 Geologic Setting 2 Seismic History 3 Description of Landslides in the Area 3 Previous Work 4 Analysis of the Stewart and Campbell Landslides 5 Geotechnical Investigation 7 Static (Aseismic) Slope Stability Analysis 8 Idealized Pre-Landslide Bluff Model 8 Ground-Water Conditions 8 Method of Stability Analysis 9 Results of Static Slope Stability Analysis 10 Dynamic (Seismic) Slope Stability Analysis 11 Factor of Safety 12 Thrust Angle 14 Earthquake Acceleration-Time History 15 Calculation of the Newmark Landslide Displacement 17 Results of Dynamic Analysis of Stewart Landslide 18 Results of Dynamic Analysis of Campbell Landslide 18 Summary of Stability Analyses 18 What if Seismic Conditions Are Unknown? 18 Discussion 20 Summary and Conclusions 21 References Cited 22

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