
The South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) has drawn considerable attentions in the past decade due to its characteristic of flowing against the wind direction along the coast of Southeast China during winter. Observational monitoring of the SCSWC is yet insufficient to firmly assess of the property of this current. Prior modeling attempts have been carried out in idealized or simplified framework, e.g., coarse resolution, unrealistic wind forcing, artificial bathymetry, and/or missing dynamical processes. It is still unclear to what extent the above approximations may affect the properties of the SCSWC. In this study, a state-of-the-art data assimilation system of the South China Sea has been integrated from 1993 to 2005. The system uses the Hybrid Ocean Model (HYCOM) with tidal forcing and is forced with realistic atmospheric forcing. In order to ensure a more realistic positioning of the mesoscale features, the system assimilates along-track altimetry data with the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) to investigate the properties of the SCSWC for the period 1996–2005. The properties of the SCSWC in winter time are investigated and found: the current mainly follows the 100 m isobaths and exists from immediately below the surface to the depth of 50 m with a baroclinic structure; the main core is located at 20–30 m depths and is composed of water warmer than the shelf water; and the width of the current is less than 100 km. Meanwhile, based on the daily output, it was shown that the current is highly transient in January. Additional simulations without tidal forcing and without assimilation suggest that the transient property of the current is mainly driven by the atmospheric forcing while the mesoscale eddies enhance its variability. On the contrary, tidal forcing seems to reduce the strength of the SCSWC, as expected from tidal rectifying of the current.

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