
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought dramatic changes in education, transforming traditional learning into e-learning around the world. The use of e-learning has been used by almost all universities in Indonesia, such as at Jakarta State University, in several faculties and study programs have used e-learning in the learning process. However, it is very unfortunate that the e-learning material used looks unspecific, unfocused, and piles all the teaching material into one teaching material. This makes students easily bored with the teaching materials used and makes students not understand the teaching material presented because the amount of material will be a burden for students. The term blended learning emerged after the development of information technology so that sources can be accessed by offline and online learners. With the development of blended learning, it can facilitate the learning process for students without having to interfere with activities. The obstacles above make researchers think that this New Orientation course in Educational Psychology has the potential toprovide appropriate solutions and interventions. The intervention that can be done is to developBlended Learning with a Case Base Learning approach in learning the New Orientation course in Educational Psychology. The benefits that researchers hope with the development of Blended Learning for the New Orientation course in Educational Psychology can make it easier for students to master the concepts in the New Orientation course in Educational Psychology and can overcome student learning difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic

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