
The low temperature specific heat of the colossal magnetoresistance com- pounds (NdxY1 − x)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) for 0.4 ≤ T< 2 K in magnetic fields up to H = 9 T has been studied. Applied magnetic fields lead to the drop of the low temperature specific heat by more than 2 orders, which implies a large magnetic con- tribution. Experimental data were successfully fitted by the sum of the hyperfine Chyp, the linear T -dependent Csg and the spin waves Csw contributions. The Csg attributed to the glassy state of the magnetic systems of the studied insulating compounds ex- ponentially decreases with the increase of H up to ∼ 5T. TheCsw providing the best fitting of the experimental data is attributed to the ferromagnetic spin waves with pseudo gap �(H ) in the spin-wave spectrum which increases linearly with the in- crease of the applied magnetic field. The �( 0) ∼ 0.8 K is approximately the same for both compounds studied.

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