
We study of the accuracy of the Regge behavior of the gluon distribution function for obtain an approximation relation, which is frequently used to extract the logarithmic slopes of the structure function from the gluon distribution at small $x$. We show that the Regge behavior analysis results are comparable with HERA data and also are better than other methods that expand of the gluon density at distinct points of expansion. Also we show that for $Q^{2}=22.4 GeV^{2}$, the $x$ dependence of the data is well described by gluon shadowing corrections to GLR-MQ equation. The resulting analytic expression allow us to predict the logarithmic derivative $\frac{{\partial}F_{2}(x,Q^{2})}{{\partial}lnQ^{2}}$ and to compare the results with H1 data and a QCD analysis fit with MRST parametrization input.

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