
This research examined the frequency of environmental content and which type had the most likes, shares, and comments to ascertain the level of exposure to environmental content on university Facebook pages in Kenya. The study did content analyses for a period of three months (February – May 2023)of environmental content posted on the official Facebook pages of eight universities (four public and four private universities) that were sampled from 68 universities in the country using simple random sampling. The main objective of teh study was to examine the level of exposure to environmental content on university Facebook pages. The research used desktop research methodology to gather freely accessible data. The research focused on two specific objectives: to investigate the frequency at which environmental content was posted on the university Facebook pages in Kenya and to ascertain the level of engagement with the environmental content posted on the university Facebook pages in Kenya. The research used a quantitative content analysis design to determine the frequency and types of environmental content universities disseminate on their official Facebook pages.. A thorough content analyses code was devised to classify environmental content by types such as climate change, sustainability programs, conservation efforts, and environmental awareness campaigns. The research examined how often environmental content was posted on the official university Facebook pages in Kenya compared to other themes. Additionally, it assessed engagement metrics for environmental posts including likes, comments, and shares, which revealed the degree of user engagement and possible influence of such content. The research provided insights into how prevalent and widely known environmental issues became through postings on university social media pages.

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